The importance of copyright has increased enormously in recent times due to the rapid technological development in the field of printing, music, communication, entertainment and software industries.

The term “Copyright” as the name indicates, it is the “right to copy”. It is the exclusive right of the owner of the works to make copies and to exclusively exercise various other rights granted to him by the law.

  • Filing
  • Registration
  • Violation and Actions

Copyright protection is accorded to original literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works, cinematograph films, sound recordings etc. Literary work includes computer programmes, tables and compilations including computer databases.

Copyright protects the expression of the idea and not the idea itself. Copyright law protects original works of authorship.

Copyright exists automatically upon the creation of an original work. But the registration of copyright serves as prima-facie evidence in the court of law. It is a deemed notice to potential infringers that copyright subsists in the work which is important in light of the defence of infringement.

The dynamic personnel at IPaatEntiti makes the registration of copyright easy, feasible and assist you from the filing of application till registering the copyright and we even provide our valuable assistance in case of copyright violation and the action to be taken under such circumstances.

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