IPaatEntiti has an exclusive team for trademark matters dealing with comprehensive range of trademark services including Trademark Search, Opinions, Trademark Filing, Litigation, Renewal among others.
A Trademark is a visual symbol in the form of a word, a device, or a label applied to articles of commerce with a view to indicate to the purchasing public that they are the goods manufactured or otherwise dealt in by a particular person as distinguished from similar goods manufactured or dealt in by other person.
If properly protected and used trademarks may become the most valuable assets for the company and in the long run, it serves as an indicator of the origin of the goods or services as well as the quality among clients or customers.
'TM' stands for Trademark and 'SM' stands for Servicemark. These symbols notify the public that the company is claiming exclusive ownership of the trademark and can generally be used by one who has filed a trademark application.
The ® symbol, can be used only when the trademark is registered and the certificate is issued by the Trademark Office.
All goods and services are classified in to 45 classes and before filing trademark application, it is necessary to identify the class under which one wishes to seek protection.
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